Just a reminder that the registration deadline for quiz camp is tomorrow night. I need to have a count of attendees to the camp director by Friday. Below is a copy of the original registration info (FaceBook) post from August 1st.
VA District NYI Quiz Camp 2016
When: Friday August 26 (7pm) – Sunday August 28 (1pm)
Where: Virginia Nazarene Camp & Retreat Center
1151 High School Road
Buckingham, VA 23921
Cost: $70 per person*
*Covers 2 nights lodging and 5 meals starting with Breakfast on Saturday.
Payment: Cash, Check or Paypal. Cash or check accepted at check in. Paypal must be received 24 hours prior to arrival. Checks made payable to “VA NYI”. Please Paypal to winceh@hotmail.com. Please choose the Friends and Family option prior to sending to eliminate fees.
Participants: 6th through 12th grade*
*Parents and Families are welcome to attend. Preschoolers and younger are free. School aged children and older will need to pay the full registration fee.
Housing: There are separate dormitories for boys and girls. There is plenty of space in the dorms. There will be a limited number of family or adult housing options. Most people should plan to stay in dorm housing unless they have small children that require a need for family housing.
Registration Deadline: Thursday, August 18, 2016*
*Individuals can be added after the deadline but not entire groups. Anyone who drops after the 18th will be expected to pay the full registration fee.
Registration Contact: Bucky Wince (info@vaquiz.org)
Camp will consist of daily worship services as well as seminars and quiz competitions for beginners, intermediate, and advance level quizzers. This event is especially helpful for those who are brand new to the program and want to learn how it all works.
Please respond to the registration contact by the deadline with the following information:
1) Group/Church Name
2) Name of each person that will be in attendance
3) Level of each quizzer that will be in attendance (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced*
4) Indicate if you have a need for family housing.
*Beginners will be brand new to the programs or with limited experience during their first year. Intermediate will have one or two years of prior experience. Advanced will have at least two years of prior experience and will most likely have previously participated on Field or National level All Star teams either on the Varsity or JV level. Final determination of placement in the seminars will be at the discretion of the students local coach and the district director.