Virginia District Website is the official Virginia District Nazarene Teen Bible Quizzing Website (you are here!)

Links to Free Online Scripture Text and Audio

Online Scripture Text and Audio is available for the current year on this website. Also look in the News and Updates section for more tools!  Many years, parents contribute PowerPoint aids, study schedules, and more!

Facebook Group

FaceBook Group: or search for "Virginia District Teen Bible Quizzing"

Powerpoint Study Aids

PowerPoint Slides (Study Aids) by Mrs. Tamie Wagner:

Ms Wagner & friends have created and provided some really awesome visual study aids set to narration and music.  This post now has the updated list of awesome Powerpoint Study Aids and is updated regularly.

Teen Bible Quiz Website


A great resource.  Under "Study" you can find printable questions, memory verse cards and study maps.

Mobile Apps

Official Youth Bible Quizzing App for Android and iPhone- The full version complete with scripture portion is $3.99.  Find it in your app store or use these links:
androidplaystore appstore

The Foundry Publishing (Scripture Portions)

The Foundry Publishing - Go to Store, then Quizzing.  This is where you can buy scripture portions and other study aids.


Acme Quiz Products

acmequizlogo - Another Quiz Scripture Portion and Study material website.

Bible Bowl (home of Quiz Pro and Coach Pro)

Bible Quiz Shop (Nazarene Store)
 - This is where you will find Quiz Pro and Coach Pro - excellent study and coaching tools.  Some Virginia District teams purchase Team Licenses.  Check with your coach for a link to download on your computer(s).

Audio Scripture Recordings


Audio Scripture Recordings:  Audio Scripture can be purchased on CD or downloaded.  Two versions are available, Dramatized for $3.95 and Pure Voice for $2.95.   Search for "NIV Audio Bible" at either of these locations. or (Audible)